Current Position/Role: Assistant
How long have you been with HDS? 25 years
What is the best part about your job: VARIETY! Work is never dull for me! In addition to the variety, I have the ability to meet, talk to and get to know almost all employees.
Any advice for someone coming into your line of work? Well, for sure you need to be organized because of the variety. Make sure your hat isn’t too tight because you will change it often. Write things down. Keep an open mind. Be kind and friendly. Listen with both ears. Don’t be afraid to jump in and help out.
What are your hobbies/interests: I am half empty nested, but I have two beautiful Dobermans who keep me busy. It’s like having a second round of kids! We have a Harley Davidson that we like to take trips on in the summer months and when we aren’t doing that, we enjoy going camping.
Where is your favorite place to eat? Hmmmmm, food, I love food! I would have to say Wildfire. They have delicious steak!
What is the best book you have ever read? Wow, there are so many. I love to read. Off the top of my head I would say the Iris Johansen’s Trilogy of Eve, Quinn and Bonnie. I have read almost all of Iris Johansen’s books.
What is your favourite family tradition? I have an elf that I hang on the Christmas tree every year since I was a child. My mom and sister both have the same ones. I love seeing that little face when I unpack the boxes of Christmas decorations every year and it means so much because it is from my childhood. When my kids saw I had my own “special little guy” on the tree, they went around the house until they found what they wanted to use as their “special little guy.” Every year since, I put theirs on the tree too.
If you could have one super power, what would it be & why? The power of healing. There are way too many people suffering in so many different ways and my ability to help them is limited. If I could have two superpowers, I’d also like the ability to travel in time. I’d like to travel back in time and maybe do a few things differently.
Which four individuals, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most? That’s easy, my dad – he passed 10 years ago, both my grandfathers – miss them so much. They both passed before I was 18. Lastly, Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy, just because I want to!