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Request for Public Feedback - HDS Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Posted Mar 27th, 2019 in News

In accordance with the Excellent Care for All Act, Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre recommends an amendment to its Patient Rights and Responsibilities (in italics).  Hotel Dieu Shaver makes every effort to build our facility on the principle of mutual respect and would like to update its current Patient Rights and Responsibilities to reflect our beliefs.  Hotel Dieu Shaver would appreciate the public consult on the proposed changes.  Please send all comments to the Director of Communications, Mary Jane Johnson before April 27, 2019


 Our facility is built on the principle of mutual respect.  You are required to treat, and are entitled to be treated, in a respectful manner.  Inappropriate behaviours or actions such as offensive language, threats, name calling, physical violence, striking out towards anyone on our property is not acceptable.  We are committed to maintaining a safe and supportive atmosphere, therefore access to our facility may be denied to individuals in violation of our policy.

Patient Rights

We recognize the following fundamental rights of our patients and we are committed to maintain an environment that both nurtures and protects these rights:
  • To receive courteous and respectful care regardless of gender, creed, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, family status, financial or medical status.
  • To receive assistance toward independence and self care to the maximum level possible in comfort and dignity.
  • To expect all to be properly identified and those providing direct care to be introduced to the patient.
  • To have confidentiality maintained regarding your personal, financial, medical and other records which are entrusted to the facility and available only to those for whom the information is essential and/or those authorized by the patient.
  • To receive all information necessary to give informed consent to any diagnostic or treatment intervention, including the known risks involved and existing alternatives to the proposed care or treatment. (Note: In the case of an incompetent patient, this information will be given to the patient’s substitute decision maker.)
  • To refuse treatment and be informed of the potential health risks of your decision.
  • To request and receive information about your illness including diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms and language that you are able to understand.
  • To choose whether or not to participate in any research project.
  • To be informed of any additional financial cost that may be incurred for services.
  • To request information about the procedure for addressing concerns and the ability to raise those concerns or recommend changes regarding the care and service received without fear of reprisal.
  • To involve family and/or friends with aspects of your care as appropriate.
  • To be provided with palliative care and to die with dignity in accordance with one’s beliefs and wishes.
  • To have a clean and safe environment.
  • To have all staff, volunteers and students respect the above patient rights.

Patient Responsibilities

Hotel Dieu Shaver recognizes your rights and reminds you of your responsibilities as a patient. They include:
  • Cooperate and participate with your health care providers during your treatment.
  • Provide accurate information about your illness to the best of your ability.
  • Accept the consequences of refusing treatment.
  • Treat your health care team and fellow patients in a respectful and considerate manner.
  • Be patient if you encounter delays and understand that sometimes other patients’ needs may be more urgent than yours.
  • Be responsible for personal property and valuables.
  • Treat hospital furnishings and property with respect and obey no smoking by-laws and other hospital regulations.
  • Cooperate and participate in planning for your discharge.
  • Arrange payment for all uninsured financial costs incurred in your care.
  • Voice any concerns regarding care to your health care providers. Identify one family member or friend appointed as the primary contact to communicate with the health care team.

Renewing Hope. Rebuilding Lives.

Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre is a specialty hospital that excels in providing rehabilitation and complex care to thousands of patients across the Niagara Region.

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