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Comfort. Care. Hope.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Clinic

The Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Clinic helps adults whose speech is not understood by others, who are unable to speak at all and whose dexterity prevents them from using their hands to write or use a computer.

Communication includes speaking with people one on one and in groups, but it also includes writing, talking on the telephone, using a computer, using the Internet, social media or texting.  We all use multiple methods of communication other than speech; we all use augmentative communication strategies.

Based upon communication goals, the AAC Clinic will come up with a new way to communicate using a variety of communication strategies, including, but limited to, assistive technology.

Renewing Hope. Rebuilding Lives.

Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre is a specialty hospital that excels in providing rehabilitation and complex care to thousands of patients across the Niagara Region.

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